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Condorcet High School

Sciences scholarship (2015-2018) - St Maur, France

During 3 years, I learned basis of sciences but also Spanish & English languages by being part of the 'European Section classroom'. I graduated from the Baccalauréat in 2018.

Condorcet High School: Text

Projects & internships as part of Condorcet High School


Supervised personal work ("TPE")

Why and how do bees make hexagonal cells with a rhombic bottom?

During this project, in a team of 3, we worked on the shape of bees cells to understand why it is hexagonal. We allied mathematics and biology courses in order to answer our problematic written above. Our final production was a model which contains a lot of activities, explanations and calculus. We also contacted a beekeeper Louis Allart in order to have complementary information. My individual report can be found here.


School trip to Cambridge, UK

I was immersed in an English-speaking country and I attended courses entirely in English, carried out by English-speaking teachers. This allowed me to deepen my level of English and obtain a language level diploma.

Condorcet High School: Projects
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